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Ways to Prep Your Pet to Meet Your Baby

Ways to Prep Your Pet to Meet Your Baby

Congratulations on your upcoming baby from all of us at Chathams Small Animal Hospital! Now that you’re expecting a two-legged baby, you and your four-legged fur baby are both in store for some serious life changes. We recommend you do your best to prepare...

March is Poison Prevention Month

March is Poison Prevention Month

March is Poison Prevention Month. Many pet owners know common things that are poisonous for pets. We want to share with you a few common household items that could prove to be fatal for your pet:Cooking spray might seem innocent enough. However, if you...

February Is Dental Health Month

February Is Dental Health Month

In case you haven’t heard… FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL PET DENTAL HEALTH MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As an advocate for your pet’s health, every month is dental month to me:)Examining your dog or cat’s teeth is an important part of every single exam. Our goal is to...

The Golden Years

The Golden Years

Senior pets are some of my favorite patients! This is when our dogs and cats have truly reached their pinnacle and when we, as their caregivers, learn to cherish every moment. As a veterinarian I see many clients who are on the lookout for changes in their...

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